​Our Services
Manpower Pooling:
Our recruitment engine has unique sourcing strategies enable MITC to maintain a deep pool of highly qualified and trained workers. 
Quick Deployment:
We value performance; therefore, in our pursuit to provide you with the best service, we have streamlined our processes to ensure that we can fully deploy your staffing needs in limited amount of time, while ensuring we follow government rules and regulations. Each and every contract is measured against a fill to hire ratio that is time bound.
  Immediate Placement Programs:
Progress Tracking and Dedicated Relationship Manager
MITC has efficient work processes that ensure immediate and sustained manpower placement according to the needs of our strategic partners. 
We have created an on-time progress tracker for every job order placed. Each of our strategic partners is supplied a dedicated relationship manager, working your hours, constantly supplying updated information on successful hires within the hiring pipeline
MITC Customized Employment Solution:
  • Job Analysis and Manpower Planning
  • Sourcing applications, screening and training
  • Medical screening, drug test screening, background checks
  • Interview: Internal Interviews, Employments Interview (Online and Actual)
  • Pre-Employment Induction programs: Diplomas Courses for Technical Skills and soft Skill Training. 
  • Destination testing, if required.
  • Processing and migration services. 
​Every industry and every partner have specific manpower needs, requiring a flexible manpower solution that can deliver job fit, which is the right person to the right job. Therefore, we have developed flexible and streamlined processes that allow us, along with our partner, to customize our services to efficiently meet their needs.